All childs disconnected, impossible to reconnect

Hi all, I have a mainWP and a few childs.
2 weeks ago, they all went disconnected, I tried a few things i found in this forum before posting this.

desactivate - activate child and reconnect
same by desactivating all plugins

in both cases, it says first that the child is reconnected but in the log it says it failed, and if I sync, it’s says it’s disconnected.

here are the logs when i try to reconnect after desactivate - activate child AND sync

### Server Info                    Required                                               Detected                                     État     ###

MainWP Dashboard                   
Version de MainWP Dashboard                                                                            Ok          
MainWP Upload Directory            Writable                                               Writable                                     Ok          
Extensions MainWP                  
Aucune extension installée         
WordPress Version                  >=3.6                                                  5.6                                          Ok          
WordPress Memory Limit             >=64M                                                  40M                                          Avertissement
MultiSite Disabled                 =true                                                  true                                         Ok          
Méthode fichier système            = direct                                               direct                                       Ok          
PHP Version                        >=5.6                                                  7.3.23-4+0~20201018.71+debian9~1.gbpfc8934   Ok          
PHP Safe Mode Disabled             =true                                                  true                                         Ok          
PHP Max Execution Time             >=30 seconds                                           30                                           Ok          
PHP Max Input Time                 >=30 seconds                                           60                                           Ok          
PHP Memory Limit                   >=128M                                                 256M                                         Ok          
PCRE Backtracking Limit            >=10000                                                1000000                                      Ok          
PHP Upload Max Filesize            >=2M                                                   2M                                           Ok          
PHP Post Max Size                  >=2M                                                   8M                                           Ok          
SSL Extension Enabled              =true                                                  true                                         Ok          
SSL Warnings                       = empty                                                                                             Ok          
cURL Extension Enabled             =true                                                  true                                         Ok          
cURL Timeout                       >=300 seconds                                          60                                           Avertissement
cURL Version                       >=7.18.1                                               7.52.1                                       Ok          
cURL SSL Version                   >=OpenSSL/0.9.8l                                       OpenSSL/1.0.2u                               Ok          
PHP autorise les URLs fopen        OUI                                                    
Support PHP Exif                   OUI ( V7.3.)                                           
Support PHP IPTC                   OUI                                                    
Support PHP XML                    NON                                                    
Fonctions PHP désactivées          dl, escapeshellarg, escapeshellmd, exec, passthru, pcntl_alarm, pcntl_exec, pcntl_fork, pcntl_get_last_error, pcntl_getpriority, pcntl_setpriority, pcntl_signal, pcntl_signal_dispatch, pcntl_sigprocmask, pcntl_sigtimedwait, pcntl_sigwaitinfo, pcntl_strerror, pcntl_wait, pcntl_waitpid, pcntl_wexitstatus, pcntl_wifexited, pcntl_wifsignaled, pcntl_wifstopped, pcntl_wstopsig, pcntl_wtermsig, phpinfo, proc_close, proc_open, shell_exec, show_source, symlink, system,
Extensions PHP chargées            Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, Zend OPcache, apache2handler, calendar, ctype, curl, date, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, hash, iconv, json, libxml, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcre, pdo_mysql, posix, readline, session, shmop, sockets, sodium, standard, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tokenizer, zlib
MySQL Version                      >=5.0                                                  10.1.45-MariaDB-0+deb9u1                     Ok          
Mode MySQL                         NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION             
Encodage client MySQL              utf8                                                   
Server Info                        
Logiciel du serveur                Apache                                                 
Système d'exploitation             Linux                                                  
Architecture                       64		 bit                                               
Protocole du serveur               HTTP/1.1                                               
HTTPS                              OUI                                                    
Connexion automatique du serveur   La réponse au test est positive.                       
Agent utilisateur                  Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 11_0_0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36 OPR/72.0.3815.400
Interface de passerelle            CGI/1.1                                                
Utilisation de la mémoire          15.56 MB                                               
Temps de la requête                1608566422                                             
Contenu accepté                    text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
Jeu de caractère accepté pour le contenuIndisponible                                           
Réglages MainWP                    
Nombre de sites enfants            8                                                     
Utiliser WP-Cron                   Oui                                                    
Optimiser pour l’hébergement mutualisé ou les grands réseauxOui                                                    
Mise à jour quotidienne automatiqueInstall trusted updates                                
Tolérance d’abandon d’extension/thème                                                       
Nombre maximal d’articles à retourner50                                                     
Nombre maximal de pages à retourner                                                       
Système de sauvegarde principale   Sauvegardes MainWP par défaut                          
Requêtes simultanées maximum       4                                                      
Délai minimum entre les requêtes   200                                                    
Requêtes simultanées maximum par IP1                                                      
Délai minimum entre les requêtes vers la même IP1500                                                   
Nombre maximum de requêtes de synchronisation simultanées                                                       
Requêtes maximum d’installation/mise à jour simultanées                                                       
Extensions activées                
Advanced Custom Fields             5.9.3                                                  Actif                                        
Advanced Custom Fields: Options Page2.1.0                                                  Actif                                        
MainWP Child                       4.1.3                                                  Actif                                        
MainWP Dashboard                                                         Actif                                        
Regenerate Thumbnails              3.1.4                                                  Actif                                        
WP Fastest Cache                                                         Actif                                        
Yoast SEO                          15.4                                                   Actif                                        

Thank you for yuor help, i’m a bit lost.

Hi @ludovicellier,

thanks for reaching out.

I am sorry to see that this happened.

  • Can you tell me do you have all your child sites on the same server/host?
  • Do you use Cloudflare or any other cloud proxy firewall for your child sites?
  • Do you have some Security plugin active on all your child sites?
  • Anything else in common for all sites?

Hi Bogdan, thank you for your time.

All on the same host, some on the same server, some on another.
BTW dashboard site control itself as a child

no cloudflare, firewall is open to these requests, fail2ban also.

Here is the list of plugins in the child, most of the other childs are the same

  • Advanced Custom Fields
  • Advanced Custom Fields: Options Page
  • MainWP Child
  • Regenerate Thumbnails
  • WP Fastest Cache
  • Yoast SEO

The dashboard have the same plugins with MainWP Dashboard

Hi @ludovicellier,

thanks for getting back to me.

I am suspecting that the server-side firewall has started blocking requests from your Dashboard.
Can you please check with your host support if they can review firewall logs and see if there are blocked requests from your Dashboard IP address?

Hi Bogdan, happy new year and all the best :slight_smile:
I have discussed with my op guy and we don’t understand why you think it’s a FW or server issues. All http request code are 200. What could be the cause of an “Authentication failed” ?
Do you have more details about your idea ? because we are lost so far.
check the logs (I have changed all the personnal informations)

2021-01-08 13:29:35 [DEBUG] [] [] ::fetch_url_site:: Request to [] [user=xxxxxx&function=stats&nonce=3389&optimize=1&cloneSites=0&othersData=%5B%5D&server=xxxxxx&numberdaysOutdatePluginTheme=365&primaryBackup=0&siteId=14&json_result=1&nossl=0&mainwpsignature=]
2021-01-08 13:29:35 [DEBUG] [] [] ::fetch_url_site:: Executing handlers
2021-01-08 13:29:35 [DEBUG] [] [] ::fetch_url_site:: http status: [200] err: []
2021-01-08 13:29:35 [DEBUG] [] [] ::fetch_url_site:: information: [OK]
2021-01-08 13:29:36 [WARNING] [] [] ::SYNC ERROR:: [Authentication failed! Please deactivate & re-activate the MainWP Child plugin on this site and try again.] #0 MainWP\Dashboard\MainWP_Logger->warning_for_website() called at [/pathtowp/www/wp-content/plugins/mainwp/class/class-mainwp-sync.php:437] #1 MainWP\Dashboard\MainWP_Sync::sync_information_array() called at [/pathtowp/www/wp-content/plugins/mainwp/class/class-mainwp-sync.php:137] #2 MainWP\Dashboard\MainWP_Sync::sync_site() called at [/pathtowp/www/wp-content/plugins/mainwp/class/class-mainwp-manage-sites-view.php:1335] #3 MainWP\Dashboard\MainWP_Manage_Sites_View::m_reconnect_site() called at [/pathtowp/www/wp-content/plugins/mainwp/pages/page-mainwp-manage-sites-handler.php:89] #4 MainWP\Dashboard\MainWP_Manage_Sites_Handler::reconnect_site() called at [/pathtowp/www/wp-content/plugins/mainwp/class/class-mainwp-post-site-handler.php:282] #5 MainWP\Dashboard\MainWP_Post_Site_Handler->mainwp_reconnectwp() called at [/pathtowp/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:287] #6 WP_Hook->apply_filters() called at [/pathtowp/www/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php:311] #7 WP_Hook->do_action() called at [/pathtowp/www/wp-includes/plugin.php:484] #8 do_action() called at [/pathtowp/www/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php:184]
2021-01-08 13:29:36 [DEBUG] [-] [-] ::fetch_url_site:: Executing handlers
2021-01-08 13:29:37 [DEBUG] [-] [-] ::fetch_url_site:: http status: [200] err: []
2021-01-08 13:29:37 [DEBUG] [-] [-] ::fetch_url_site:: information: [OK]
2021-01-08 13:29:48 [INFO] CRON :: backups continue
2021-01-08 13:29:48 [DEBUG] CRON :: backups continue :: Found 0 to continue.

Hi @ludovicellier,

Thanks for getting back to me, and Happy New Year to you too!

I can’t be 100% sure that the problem is the FW, but in most cases, I have seen something like this, it was the FW.
At the moment when all sites disconnected, I believe that there were no updates on our side, so there must be some 3rd party factor causing this.

When all sites on the same host get disconnected, in almost all cases, it’s some server-side security rule that gets triggered and starts causing the problem.

Please review all security layers on the server and nothing jumps out again, please feel free to open a private Help Desk ticket so we can collect some additional information & investigate further.

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