Bulk post/edit already existing posts to other websites

Hi, I would like to bulk post/edit existing custom posts to other websites. I am trying to add a ‘publish’ button under the ‘show posts’ button in the post handler but can’t find the function to publish a group of posts on different sites.

The process wanted would look like :

  1. Going to the posts menu

  2. Select sites I want the posts from

  3. show them (button show post)

  4. Select multiple posts

  5. Select sites I want the posts to be published

  6. publish the posts (new button to group publish)

It’s the custom post type extension but with bulk action.

Is there anyway to do it already?
How should I proceed?

Hi Allain,

At the moment, this feature is not available, so it’s required to make a custom code to handle this.

If it’s ok with you, we can move the topic to the Dev section where you can share the code that yo have so far and other devs could join to collaborate.

Let me know what you think.

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Hi Bogdan,

Thank you for answering.

That’s ok to me we can move the topic.

At the moment, I only added in page-maiwp-post.php
<input type="button" name="mainwp_post_publish" id="mainwp_post_publish" class="ui big green fluid button" value="<? esc_attr_e( 'Publish', 'mainwp' ); ?>">
under the Show Posts button so it display the button in the place I want but I don’t know where to find or add the function to make it work.

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