Exclude WooCommerce pages from being returned in the autocomplete results of WP Search with Algolia

Exclude WooCommerce pages from being returned in the autocomplete results of WP Search with Algolia on child sites.

Snippet Type

Execute on Child Sites


// We alter the indexing decision making for both the posts index and the searchable_posts index.
add_filter('algolia_should_index_post', 'custom_should_index_post', 10, 2);
add_filter('algolia_should_index_searchable_post', 'custom_should_index_post', 10, 2);

 * @param bool    $should_index
 * @param WP_Post $post
 * @return bool
function custom_should_index_post($should_index, WP_Post $post) {
    if (false === $should_index) {
        // If the decision has already been taken to not index the post
        // stick to that decision.
        return $should_index;

    if ($post->post_type !== 'page') {
        // We only want to alter the decision making for pages.
        // We we are dealing with another post_type, return the $should_index as is.
        return  $should_index;

    $woocommerce_page_ids = [

    if (in_array($post->ID, $woocommerce_page_ids)) {
        // If the post is a page and has an excluded page ID,
        // we return false to inform that we do not want to index the post.
        return false;

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