Extension Updates not announced

Unfortunately I found out that many extensions have newer versions (Uptime monitor, Comments, Google Analytics) and I never got an announcement for them to update. Whats wrong here? Regular updates show properly in the dashboard. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

The “Check for updates” function does not work here. Also this function is not available in every extension.

Are they activated on the Extensions page like this?

This seems to have fixed it for the uptime extension, but the others were active. They still don’t get the updates (Google Analytics, Comments, MainWP Vulnerability Checker Extension etc.).

I am having the same problem. I have the Comments plugin at 4.01 and there is 4.02 but it is not showing as an updated need. How can this be resolved?

I will send this in as a bug for the support since this does not get any more attention here :frowning:

Hi guys, I think that this is caused by some error in API license activation.

Can you try this:

  1. Go to the WP > Plugins page,
  2. Deactivate All MainWP Extensions,
  3. Reactivate All MainWP Extensions,
  4. Go to the MainWP > Extensions page,
  5. Click the Activate Extensions button to activate API keys,
  6. After successful API activation, go back to the WP > Plugins page,
  7. Locate one of the extensions and click the Check for Updates Now link.

This should help. If updates still don’t show up, please send us support ticket so I can check API keys on our side.

Thanks. It works!! :slight_smile:

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Welcome! I am glad I could help.

I went ahead and marked my previous post as a solution for this problem.

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