False plugin updates count

every time after updating one plugin on all child sites, the updates count of other plugins waiting to be updated is refreshed and the showing a new, false count.
Is there anything I can do to prevent this?

Edit: also the Abandoned Plugins count is another one after every refresh.

### Server Info                    Required                                               Detected                                     Status   ###

MainWP Dashboard                   
MainWP Dashboard Version                                                                             Pass        
MainWP Upload Directory            Writable                                               Writable                                     Pass        
MainWP Extensions                  
Activity Log for MainWP            1.5.1                                                  Inactive                                     Warning     
Advanced Uptime Monitor Extension  5.0.2                                                  Active                                       Pass        
MainWP Branding Extension          4.0.1                                                  Active                                       Pass        
MainWP Bulk Settings Manager Extension4.0.2                                                  Active                                       Pass        
MainWP Clean and Lock Extension    4.0.1                                                  Active                                       Pass        
MainWP Client Reports Extension    4.0.3                                                  Active                                       Pass        
MainWP Code Snippets Extension     4.0                                                    Active                                       Pass        
MainWP Custom Dashboard Extension  4.0                                                    Active                                       Pass        
MainWP Favorites Extension         4.0.2                                                  Active                                       Pass        
MainWP File Uploader Extension     4.0                                                    Active                                       Pass        
MainWP iThemes Security Extension  4.0.2                                                  Active                                       Pass        
MainWP Maintenance Extension       4.0.1                                                  Active                                       Pass        
MainWP Pro Reports Extension       4.0                                                    Active                                       Pass        
MainWP Sucuri Extension            4.0.7                                                  Active                                       Pass        
MainWP Team Control                4.0.1                                                  Active                                       Pass        
MainWP Time Capsule Extension      4.0.1                                                  Active                                       Pass        
MainWP UpdraftPlus Extension       4.0.2                                                  Active                                       Pass        
Toolbar Extras for MainWP          1.1.0                                                  Inactive                                     Warning     
WordPress Version                  >=3.6                                                  5.4.2                                        Pass        
WordPress Memory Limit             >=64M                                                  512M                                         Pass        
MultiSite Disabled                 =true                                                  true                                         Pass        
FileSystem Method                  = direct                                               direct                                       Pass        
PHP Version                        >=5.6                                                  7.2.31                                       Pass        
PHP Safe Mode Disabled             =true                                                  true                                         Pass        
PHP Max Execution Time             >=30 seconds                                           30                                           Pass        
PHP Max Input Time                 >=30 seconds                                           60                                           Pass        
PHP Memory Limit                   >=128M                                                 256M                                         Pass        
PCRE Backtracking Limit            >=10000                                                1000000                                      Pass        
PHP Upload Max Filesize            >=2M                                                   16M                                          Pass        
PHP Post Max Size                  >=2M                                                   16M                                          Pass        
SSL Extension Enabled              =true                                                  true                                         Pass        
SSL Warnings                       = empty                                                                                             Pass        
cURL Extension Enabled             =true                                                  true                                         Pass        
cURL Timeout                       >=300 seconds                                          60                                           Warning     
cURL Version                       >=7.18.1                                               7.70.0                                       Pass        
cURL SSL Version                   >=OpenSSL/0.9.8l                                       OpenSSL/1.1.1g                               Pass        
PHP Allow URL fopen                YES                                                    
PHP Exif Support                   YES ( V7.2.)                                           
PHP IPTC Support                   YES                                                    
PHP XML Support                    YES                                                    
PHP Disabled Functions             No functions disabled.                                 
PHP Loaded Extensions              Core, PDFlib, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, Zend OPcache, apcu, bcmath, bz2, calendar, cgi-fcgi, ctype, curl, date, dba, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, gnupg, hash, iconv, imagick, imap, intl, jsmin, json, ldap, libxml, mailparse, mbstring, mcrypt, mongodb, mysqli, mysqlnd, odbc, openssl, pcntl, pcre, pdo_dblib, pdo_mysql, pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, posix, pspell, readline, recode, scrypt, session, snmp, soap, sockets, sodium, sqlite3, ssh2, standard, sysvmsg, sysvsem, sysvshm, tidy, tokenizer, wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, yaml, zip, zlib
MySQL Version                      >=5.0                                                  10.1.45-MariaDB                              Pass        
MySQL Mode                         NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION             
MySQL Client Encoding              utf8mb4                                                
Server Info                        
Server Software                    Apache                                                 
Operating System                   FreeBSD                                                
Architecture                       64 bit                                                 
Server Protocol                    HTTP/2.0                                               
HTTPS                              ON - on                                                
Server self connect                Response Test O.K.                                     
User Agent                         Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.14; rv:77.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/77.0
Gateway Interface                  CGI/1.1                                                
Memory Usage                       16.98 MB                                               
Request Time                       1592341523                                             
Accept Content                     text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Charset Content             N/A                                                    
MainWP Settings                    
Number Of Child Sites              32                                                     
Use WP-Cron                        No                                                     
Optimize for Shared Hosting or Big NetworksYes                                                    
Automatic Daily Update             Install trusted updates                                
Abandoned Plugins/Themes Tolerance 365                                                    
Maximum number of posts to return                                                         
Maximum number of pages to return                                                         
Primary Backup System              MainWP WP Time Capsule Extension                       
Maximum simultaneous requests      4                                                      
Minimum delay between requests     200                                                    
Maximum simultaneous requests per ip1                                                      
Minimum delay between requests to the same ip1000                                                   
Maximum simultaneous sync requests                                                        
Minimum simultaneous install/update requests                                                       
Active Plugins                     
Activity Log for MainWP            1.5.1                                                  Active                                       
Backup and Staging by WP Time Capsule1.21.24                                                Active                                       
Duplicator Pro                                                           Active                                       
Easy Updates Manager               9.0.3                                                  Active                                       
iThemes Security Pro               6.6.0                                                  Active                                       
MainWP Child                                                             Active                                       
MainWP Dashboard                                                         Active                                       
MainWP Time Capsule Extension      4.0.1                                                  Active                                       
Toolbar Extras                     1.4.9                                                  Active                                       
Toolbar Extras for MainWP          1.1.0                                                  Active                                       
WP Reset PRO                       5.56                                                   Active                                       

Hi Lukas,

This is not something that I can duplicate on my test setups.

Can you try to temporarily deactivate all non-MainWP Plugins and see if that makes any difference?

Hi @lhberg is this to say that on your dashboard you may see for example ten sites with 3 updates each but after updating one plugin they all suddenly vanish and your dashboard shows no further updates? You then re sync and suddenly the other two updates re-appear.

If this is the case then that is something I experience time to time too. Though I must admit I haven’t seen it since switching from NGINX to Apache hosting. Might be nothing and not linked to your issue but may help.

thanks Chris, I’m on an Apache hosting, thus most probably not linked to a server issue, as you mentioned.

thanks Bogdan, I’ll do so next time I run a bunch of updates and come back.

I have the same issues with abandoned plugin / theme numbers not being accurate and changing when the site or I run a sync.

I also have the issue where the number of plugins needing to be updated changes when doing updates. The best way to replicate this in my environment (Apache) is to sort updates by plugin and do an update all for a specific plugin.

Hi Bogdan,
I’ve done as suggested and still found two plugins no longer showing the previous count after refresh: PowerPack for Beaver Builder and Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder. When I try to recall I think that they alway acted like this and most probably were the reason for my ticket. Four more plugins waiting for update still showed the previous count: Elementor, Rank Math SEO, Swift Performance and WP Forms Lite.
After doing another synch across all child sites to restore the previous count and running the update for one of the latter plugins, the former ones acted the same again.
Should I open tickets with the providers of those plugins? If yes, what should I tell them?

PS: The plugins have one thing in common: They show ‘Plugin not found’ when clicking on the ‘Latest’ link. But Swift Performance does this, too, and doesn’t change its count.

PPS: when I do updates for a plugin on all sites unsing the ‘Update Now’ button, nothing changes – it’s the page refresh that does.

Hi Lukas, if I am right both mentioned plugins in the issue are premium plugins, so it could be that the custom API they use is causing the problem, but I am still now 100% sure.

If possible, could you send me temporary login to your dashboard (via Private Message) so I can check this and see what is going on?

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