Scheduled backups with Premium Updraftplus


I purchased the premium version of Updraftplus. I plan to overwrite the backup settings for 170 sites on my dashboard.

When I configure Upd + inside a wp-admin, if I select monthly backup, then the option to start is the day of the month.

If I select weekly backup, then the option to start is the day of the week.

However, if the configuration is done through the Mainwp dashboard, even if I choose the monthly backup, the day to start option is the day of the week.

Can anyone help me understand this better, please?

Thanks in advance!

I currently run my backups weekly, using the standard Upd + schedule, that is, the day of the week and the time I took the first backup.

The backups for each site are not taking place on the same day and time. Just because with each new website created I configure Upd +. So each one has their specific day and time, which is good, as there is no competition for resources.

I like the idea of making backups happen on weekend nights.

My goal: full file backup performed monthly, incremental backup performed weekly.

My question: is it possible to make this mass configuration through Mainwp?

My fear: apply a mass configuration and thus put all backups to happen at the same time, generating competition for resources. These sites are distributed only on 2 cloud servers.

Hi @Gustavo_Tadeu, configuring backups through the MainWP Dashboard should be possible. Not sure why you experience this issues.

Can you please post the community system report from your MainWP Dashboard for review? The report is located in your Dashboard under Status → Server, on the top right of the page.

Be sure to use the button like the one below; this button hides all your private information:


Pressing the button auto-copies the report to your clipboard then just paste it in a reply here.

Hi @bogdan .

I know that is possible. I only have questions, to better understand how it works on these cases.

I am afraid that it’s not possible to set different time for each site at the moment. However, we are planning to create some token for this to allow setting up random time for backup occurrence.

Ok I got it.

When you launch this feature, please notify us.

It will be very usefull!


I am in the exact same boat. I have the same setup on 39 sites right now. Backup day will be a hard day for my server.

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