Triggering child report action

Hi community,

Firstly, I have been using MainWP for months and I have to say it is a great tool that made me save a lot of time.

I will explain my situation and my problem :

On MainWP dashboard I have many child sites.
For a site I always have the staging version and the live version (so 2 child sites) that are installed on different servers.
Each child site has mainWP child and child report plugin installed and activated.
Both sites are the same except that I only monitor live site using Uptime Robot. There is no point monitoring staging site…

When updating a website, here is my workflow :

  • first I update the staging site using MainWP dashboard (updating WP, plugins and theme).
  • I then commit those changes to my GIT repo
  • then, using a deployment tool (deployHQ) I run the deployment of the new GIT tag to the live site (without using MainWP dashboard nor WP dashboard so nothing is saved in child reports tab)

Of course, my goal using child report would be to generate a report for the live site with the last changes but I noticed that making it this way, no action gets saved in the admin (child reports tab).

My questions are :

  • what triggers an action that is saved in the database ?
  • with my workflow, is there a way to save those actions in the database to be listed in the report ?
  • is there a better workflow that could solve my problem ?

I am also opened to change my workflow, the only thing I wouldn’t like is to make the changes directly on the live server because I would have no way to revert back to a previous version if something goes wrong (that’s the point of using a deployment tool).

Thanks for taking the time to read and answer.


Hi @tuxtux00,

Thanks for reaching out.

MainWP Child Reports plugin hooks into default WP hooks (actions). For example, when an update is made, action that fires after the update, is used to record this action.

However, in your workflow, there is nothing that triggers these WP hooks.

I am not sure what could be done here except for custom coding that would record actions that you make. If you are interested in this approach, please let me know and I can send some quick guides about coding custom tokens.

Hi @bogdan and thanks for your reply.

I am interested in having more informations regarding custom tokens.

Is there also a dev at MainWP that could take care of this work and send me a quote for this.


Hi @tuxtux00,


you can find more details about this.

Regarding the custom coding service, we don’t have this service available, but you can check with the MainWP Experts and see if someone could tackle this.

Hi @bogdan

Thank you very much for these informations.

I will contact an expert or try to do it myself :slight_smile:

One question : do I need to use Pro reports to do this kind of work or clients report is also working ?

Best regards

Hi, you are very welcome.

There is also support for Client Reports, not only Pro reports.

The only difference is in hooks names:

// Create Custom Client Report tokens
add_filter( 'mainwp_client_reports_tokens_groups', 'mycustom_reports_tokens_groups' );
function mycustom_reports_tokens_groups( $tokens ) {
       // examples
       $tokens['plugins']['sections'][] = array( 'name' => 'section.plugins.custompluginsection', 'desc' => 'Custom plugin section descriptions' );
       $tokens['plugins']['nav_group_tokens']['custompluginsection'] = 'Custom plugin section';
       $tokens['custompluginsection'][] = array( 'name' => 'plugin.custompluginsection.tokenname1', 'desc' => 'Token1 name descriptions' );
       $tokens['custompluginsection'][] = array( 'name' => 'plugin.custompluginsection.tokenname2', 'desc' => 'Token2 name descriptions' );
       return $tokens;


// token values
add_filter('mainwp_client_reports_custom_tokens', 'mycustom_reports_custom_tokens');
function mycustom_reports_custom_tokens($tokens_values, $report) {
       $tokens_values['[plugin.custompluginsection.tokenname1]'] = 'Value for custom token name1';
       $tokens_values['[plugin.custompluginsection.tokenname2]'] = 'Value for custom token name2';
       return $tokens_values;

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