Update process just stops

Have just setup MainWP, mostly to take advantage of the WPVivid extension, and migrated sites across from ManageWP. However I’m finding that multiple times, the MainWP process just stops, e.g., doing a bulk import of sites, if it comes across an issue, e.g., an incorrect username or, I think, wrong case on one or more letters, the import just stops. Not the end of the world as I ended up adding each site manually but I also found it happens during plugin updates, i.e., it just stops for no apparent reason but the worst thing is, it leaves the .maintenance file in the public root of all sites being updated so you have to go into each account and remove it.

Is this normal and if so, is there any solution?


Hi Ben,

Can you please post the community system report from your MainWP Dashboard for review? The report is located in your Dashboard under Status → Server, on the top right of the page.

Be sure to use the button like the one below; this button hides all your private information:


Pressing the button auto-copies the report to your clipboard then just paste it in a reply here.

Thanks, report as follows. I see there are a couple of warnings that might be the cause of the issue, especially the memory one?

### Server Info                    Required                                               Detected                                     Status   ###

MainWP Dashboard                   
MainWP Dashboard Version           4.1.11                                                 4.1.11                                       Pass        
MainWP Upload Directory            Writable                                               Writable                                     Pass        
MainWP Extensions                  
WPvivid Backup MainWP              0.9.22                                                                                                          
WordPress Version                  >=3.6                                                  5.8.3                                        Pass        
WordPress Memory Limit             >=64M                                                  40M                                          Warning     
MultiSite Disabled                 =true                                                  true                                         Pass        
FileSystem Method                  = direct                                               direct                                       Pass        
PHP Version                        >=7.0                                                  7.4.27                                       Pass        
PHP Safe Mode Disabled             =true                                                  true                                         Pass        
PHP Max Execution Time             >=30 seconds                                           90                                           Pass        
PHP Max Input Time                 >=30 seconds                                           -1                                           Pass        
PHP Memory Limit                   >=128M                                                 256M                                         Pass        
PCRE Backtracking Limit            >=10000                                                1000000                                      Pass        
PHP Upload Max Filesize            >=2M                                                   5M                                           Pass        
PHP Post Max Size                  >=2M                                                   8M                                           Pass        
SSL Extension Enabled              =true                                                  true                                         Pass        
SSL Warnings                       = empty                                                                                             Pass        
cURL Extension Enabled             =true                                                  true                                         Pass        
cURL Timeout                       >=300 seconds                                          60                                           Warning     
cURL Version                       >=7.18.1                                               7.71.0                                       Pass        
cURL SSL Version                   >=OpenSSL/1.1.0                                        OpenSSL/1.1.1d                               Pass        
PHP Allow URL fopen                YES                                                    
PHP Exif Support                   YES ( V7.4.)                                           
PHP IPTC Support                   YES                                                    
PHP XML Support                    YES                                                    
PHP Disabled Functions             No functions disabled.                                 
PHP Loaded Extensions              Core, PDO, Phar, Reflection, SPL, SimpleXML, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, date, dom, exif, fileinfo, filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, hash, i360, iconv, intl, json, libxml, litespeed, mbstring, mysqli, mysqlnd, openssl, pcntl, pcre, pdo_mysql, pdo_sqlite, posix, readline, session, shmop, soap, sqlite3, standard, timezonedb, tokenizer, xml, xmlreader, xmlwriter, xsl, zip, zlib
MySQL Version                      >=5.0                                                  10.3.32-MariaDB-cll-lve                      Pass        
MySQL Mode                         NOT SET                                                
MySQL Client Encoding              utf8mb4                                                
Server Info                        
Server Software                    LiteSpeed                                              
Operating System                   Linux                                                  
Architecture                       64		 bit                                               
Server Protocol                    HTTP/1.1                                               
HTTPS                              ON                                                     
Server self connect                Response Test O.K.                                     
User Agent                         Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/97.0.4692.71 Safari/537.36
Gateway Interface                                                                         
Memory Usage                       37.93 MB                                               
Request Time                       1642446125                                             
Accept Content                     text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.9
Accept-Charset Content             N/A                                                    
MainWP Settings                    
Number Of Child Sites              25                                                     
Use WP-Cron                        No                                                     
Optimize for Shared Hosting or Big NetworksNo                                                     
Automatic Daily Update             Install trusted updates                                
Abandoned Plugins/Themes Tolerance                                                        
Maximum number of posts to return                                                         
Maximum number of pages to return                                                         
Primary Backup System              Default MainWP Backups                                 
Maximum simultaneous requests      4                                                      
Minimum delay between requests     200                                                    
Maximum simultaneous requests per ip1                                                      
Minimum delay between requests to the same ip1000                                                   
Maximum simultaneous sync requests                                                        
Maximum simultaneous install and update requests                                                       
Active Plugins                     
MainWP Dashboard                   4.1.11                                                 Active                                       
Under Construction                 1.19                                                   Active                                       
WPvivid Backup MainWP              0.9.22                                                 Active                                       

FYI, I’ve just increased the WP memory limit to 256M and have increased the cURL Timeout to 300. Might this help?

Hi Ben,

yes, increasing the WP Memory and cURL Timeout should improve your dashboard performance.
Did you have a chance to retest this problem after making the update?

I just did a sync and it found 7 sites to update (3 themes and 5 plugins from memory). It did 2 of them but sat on 29% for around 10 mins and then either it completed or else I clicked by mistake and it went back a screen. In any event, I checked the public root of each site and it had left .maintenance files on 2 of them. I synced again and it was showing 1 theme (one of the original 3) to update so I did that successfully. Won’t be able to check again until there are some more updates to do.


Hi Ben,

There is definitely some server-side limitation that makes the process time out.

Since the process times out on the child site (and that causes the .maintenance file left in the root) it might be best to check with the host support and have them review server logs to see what is going on and which limit is being hit.

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