Staging and Wordpres websites

I use Gridpane and Vultr for my staging with my website. what is best practices to use main WP with my live site and my staging site.

Hi Anthony, I would personally split Live and Staging sites to 2 different groups in MainWP Dashboard so you can always quickly run updates and content changes in stagings sites simply by selecting the group and if all goes well, you can do the same for live sites.

Maybe other users have some other suggestions. I am also curious to see how other users manage Staging sites created by 3rd party solutions.


Now when i do that all i just have to do is use main wp to update the staging area and then go to staging site and just push it live correct and on live site i can make sure all plugins are updated or is this all wrong.

@Oddballmediagroup Yes, that’s correct. You may either Push to Live from staging if your staging tool allows that or you can update via MainWP.

Really it comes down to personal preference what workflow you would like to use.

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